uploads/line of scrimmage.jpg

line of scrimmage (橄欖球假想的)前鋒搶球線。

line of sight

A new or substitute offensive play called by the quarterback or a defensive formation called by a linebacker at the line of scrimmage as an adjustment to the opposing side ' s formation 改變打法一種在橄欖球爭球線上作為就對方陣勢的調整,由四分衛發令的新的或替代進攻打法,或由后衛發令的防守陣勢

Illegally beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped or ahead of the ball when the ball is kicked on a kickoff 當傳球或推球入界的剎那間,其同隊運動員比球更接近于對方球門線,則該運動員處于越位位置。

One of the two players positioned near the flanks behind the line of scrimmage 中衛在爭球線之后靠近側翼的并列兩名隊員之一